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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (whole mount)
8.5 DPC

24 matching records from 24 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Pax6  paired box 6   (Synonyms: 1500038E17Rik, AEY11, Dey, Dickie's small eye, Gsfaey11, Pax-6)
Results  Reference
1*J:19895 Ang SL, Rossant J, HNF-3 beta is essential for node and notochord formation in mouse development. Cell. 1994 Aug 26;78(4):561-74
1*J:134435 Anselme I, Laclef C, Lanaud M, Ruther U, Schneider-Maunoury S, Defects in brain patterning and head morphogenesis in the mouse mutant Fused toes. Dev Biol. 2007 Apr 1;304(1):208-20
1J:171520 Compagnucci C, Fish JL, Schwark M, Tarabykin V, Depew MJ, Pax6 regulates craniofacial form through its control of an essential cephalic ectodermal patterning center. Genesis. 2011 Apr;49(4):307-25
1*J:47920 Dattani MT, Martinez-Barbera JP, Thomas PQ, Brickman JM, Gupta R, Martensson IL, Toresson H, Fox M, Wales JK, Hindmarsh PC, Krauss S, Beddington RS, Robinson IC, Mutations in the homeobox gene HESX1/Hesx1 associated with septo-optic dysplasia in human and mouse. Nat Genet. 1998 Jun;19(2):125-33
1*J:119175 Donner AL, Episkopou V, Maas RL, Sox2 and Pou2f1 interact to control lens and olfactory placode development. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 15;303(2):784-799
1*J:39280 Furukawa T, Kozak CA, Cepko CL, rax, a novel paired-type homeobox gene, shows expression in the anterior neural fold and developing retina. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Apr 1;94(7):3088-93
1J:53291 Hentges K, Thompson K, Peterson A, The flat-top gene is required for the expansion and regionalization of the telencephalic primordium. Development. 1999 Apr;126(8):1601-9
1J:311850 Kayam G, Kohl A, Magen Z, Peretz Y, Weisinger K, Bar A, Novikov O, Brodski C, Sela-Donenfeld D, A novel role for Pax6 in the segmental organization of the hindbrain. Development. 2013 May;140(10):2190-202
1J:109412 Kim J, Lauderdale JD, Analysis of Pax6 expression using a BAC transgene reveals the presence of a paired-less isoform of Pax6 in the eye and olfactory bulb. Dev Biol. 2006 Apr 15;292(2):486-505
1*J:87754 Kleinjan DA, Seawright A, Childs AJ, van Heyningen V, Conserved elements in Pax6 intron 7 involved in (auto)regulation and alternative transcription. Dev Biol. 2004 Jan 15;265(2):462-77
1J:59069 Klingensmith J, Ang SL, Bachiller D, Rossant J, Neural induction and patterning in the mouse in the absence of the node and its derivatives. Dev Biol. 1999 Dec 15;216(2):535-49
1*J:86839 Liguori GL, Echevarria D, Improta R, Signore M, Adamson E, Martinez S, Persico MG, Anterior neural plate regionalization in cripto null mutant mouse embryos in the absence of node and primitive streak. Dev Biol. 2003 Dec 15;264(2):537-49
1*J:66592 Liu A, Joyner AL, EN and GBX2 play essential roles downstream of FGF8 in patterning the mouse mid/hindbrain region. Development. 2001 Jan;128(2):181-91
1*J:96484 Molotkova N, Molotkov A, Sirbu IO, Duester G, Requirement of mesodermal retinoic acid generated by Raldh2 for posterior neural transformation. Mech Dev. 2005 Feb;122(2):145-55
1J:98485 Nishioka N, Nagano S, Nakayama R, Kiyonari H, Ijiri T, Taniguchi K, Shawlot W, Hayashizaki Y, Westphal H, Behringer RR, Matsuda Y, Sakoda S, Kondoh H, Sasaki H, Ssdp1 regulates head morphogenesis of mouse embryos by activating the Lim1-Ldb1 complex. Development. 2005 Jun;132(11):2535-46
1*J:85093 Pinhasov A, Mandel S, Torchinsky A, Giladi E, Pittel Z, Goldsweig AM, Servoss SJ, Brenneman DE, Gozes I, Activity-dependent neuroprotective protein: a novel gene essential for brain formation. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 2003 Aug 12;144(1):83-90
1*J:18543 Rashbass P, Wilson V, Rosen B, Beddington RS, Alterations in gene expression during mesoderm formation and axial patterning in Brachyury (T) embryos. Int J Dev Biol. 1994 Mar;38(1):35-44
1J:166617 Sakurai Y, Kurokawa D, Kiyonari H, Kajikawa E, Suda Y, Aizawa S, Otx2 and Otx1 protect diencephalon and mesencephalon from caudalization into metencephalon during early brain regionalization. Dev Biol. 2010 Nov 15;347(2):392-403
1J:133339 Silvestri C, Narimatsu M, von Both I, Liu Y, Tan NB, Izzi L, McCaffery P, Wrana JL, Attisano L, Genome-wide identification of Smad/Foxh1 targets reveals a role for Foxh1 in retinoic acid regulation and forebrain development. Dev Cell. 2008 Mar;14(3):411-23
1*J:145977 Tetreault N, Champagne MP, Bernier G, The LIM homeobox transcription factor Lhx2 is required to specify the retina field and synergistically cooperates with Pax6 for Six6 trans-activation. Dev Biol. 2009 Mar 15;327(2):541-50
1*J:74631 Tian E, Kimura C, Takeda N, Aizawa S, Matsuo I, Otx2 is required to respond to signals from anterior neural ridge for forebrain specification. Dev Biol. 2002 Feb 15;242(2):204-23
1J:127131 Ueda T, Watanabe-Fukunaga R, Ogawa H, Fukuyama H, Higashi Y, Nagata S, Fukunaga R, Critical role of the p400/mDomino chromatin-remodeling ATPase in embryonic hematopoiesis. Genes Cells. 2007 May;12(5):581-92
1J:152813 Wolf M, Lommes P, Sock E, Reiprich S, Friedrich RP, Kriesch J, Stolt CC, Bermingham JR Jr, Wegner M, Replacement of related POU transcription factors leads to severe defects in mouse forebrain development. Dev Biol. 2009 Aug 15;332(2):418-28
1J:87046 Zoltewicz JS, Stewart NJ, Leung R, Peterson AS, Atrophin 2 recruits histone deacetylase and is required for the function of multiple signaling centers during mouse embryogenesis. Development. 2004 Jan;131(1):3-14

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